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H2Osorb - Petrolsorb - Task Force Gel - No Sand


H2Osorb - has the ability to absorb nearly 200 times its weight in water.  This product comes in either 40 pound bags, for smaller projects – or large one thousand pound super-totes, that can be used for large Hazardous Water clean-up projects.

     In addition to water, “H2Osorb” also absorbs foreign substances, such as most chemicals, insecticides, and waste products.  Once the contaminated water is absorbed, it can then be loaded into dump trucks and removed from the area.  The product can then be placed in a landfill.  “H2Osorb” is environmentally friendly and has approvals from both the USDA and FDA.


Petrolsorb - is similar to our “H2Osorb”, except it focuses on petroleum products and leaves the water alone.  This allows the removal of oil, gas and diesel that might be suspended in water. 


Task Force Gel - was developed as a means of protection structures that are threatened by an on-coming Wildland fire. 

     It is the only fire gel product that can be mixed and sprayed from any Fire Engine, without the need for additional equipment.


No Sand - is a special blend of super absorbent polymers that allow for quick inflation of sandbags, while providing the weight needed for most sand bagging operations. 

     “No Sand” comes in small packs that can be quickly opened and poured into empty sandbags.  The bag is then thrown in a water source.  The bag quickly inflates and can be stacked as a normal sandbag.

Compact – Quick - Easy


     The real advance to “No Sand” is in speed and logistics.   An average-sized Utility Truck can carry enough to make over 4500 bags.  Several hundred “No Sand” packs and empty sandbags can be easily carried or stowed-away in the trunk of a car or behind the seat of most vehicles.  No shovels are needed to fill the bags.  Simply, open the “No Sand” package – pour it in the bag – throw the bag in some standing water – then use as a normal sandbag. 

     After about two weeks, “No Sand” will slowly to seep out from the bag.  It will mix with the soil and provide added moisture-holding capability to the surrounding area.  This will in turn promote growth of new vegetation.  Once empty, the bags can be collected and reused.


Task Force Gel – (909) 338-4940

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